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200 Things We Can Do

200 Things We Can Do to Lessen the Danger of the Climate Crisis

1. Reduce, reuse and recycle.
2. Compost organic waste.
3. Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances.
4. Use renewable energy sources.
5. Install solar panels.
6. Drive less or carpool.
7. Use public transportation.
8. Walk or bike instead of driving.
9. Buy an electric or hybrid car.
10. Use less hot water.
11. Don’t waste food.
12. Eat less meat.
13. Buy local products.
14. Use LED bulbs.
15. Unplug electronics when not in use.
16. Plant trees.
17. Protect existing forests.
18. Install a programmable thermostat.
19. Upgrade your insulation.
20. Maintain your vehicle for optimal performance.
21. Drive at fuel-efficient speeds.
22. Use a rain barrel to collect water.
23. Use low-flow showerheads.
24. Buy Energy Star-rated appliances.
25. Set your computer to sleep mode when not in use.
26. Buy only what you need.
27. Engage in sustainable farming practices.
28. Support companies committed to sustainability.
29. Avoid single-use plastics.
30. Vote for politicians who support climate change legislation.
31. Invest in a home energy audit.
32. Air-dry laundry.
33. Support renewable energy policies.
34. Use reusable shopping bags.
35. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.
36. Learn about permaculture.
37. Use greywater for gardens and landscaping.
38. Grow your own vegetables.
39. Invest in geothermal heating/cooling.
40. Learn about and utilize carbon offsetting.
41. Advocate for public policies that reduce carbon emissions.
42. Purchase carbon credits.
43. Install energy-efficient windows.
44. Practice eco-tourism.
45. Reduce fast fashion consumption.
46. Encourage work from home policies.
47. Attend or organize climate march.
48. Share knowledge about climate change.
49. Support organizations fighting climate change.
50. Teach children about the environment.
51. Use a refillable water bottle.
52. Avoid aerosol sprays.
53. Buy green/Eco-friendly products.
54. Conserve water.
55. Use natural cleaning products.
56. Offset your air travel.
57. Ensure home appliances are in good working order.
58. Subscribe to green energy providers.
59. Wear clothes multiple times before washing.
60. Replace lawns with native plants.
61. Reduce the use of air conditioning and heating.
62. Don't burn your garden waste.
63. Reject unnecessary packaging.
64. Boycott companies that are harmful to the environment.
65. Use reusable diapers.
66. Offset your carbon emissions when booking flights.
67. Purchase products with less packaging.
68. Choose a green energy supplier.
69. Join a local environmental group.
70. Put up bird feeders and nesting boxes.
71. Encourage your employer to go green.
72. Buy secondhand goods.
73. Make your own natural cosmetics.
74. Avoid fast-food chains.
75. Compost your coffee grounds.
76. Have solar hot water installed.
77. Advocate for bike lanes in your city.
78. Sell or donate unwanted items rather than throwing them out.
79. Reduce your consumption of processed foods.
80. Educate friends and family about climate crisis.
81. Collect and recycle electronic waste.
82. Fix leaky faucets.
83. Replace bottled water with filtered tap water.
84. Hang-dry your clothes.
85. Don't idle your car engine.
86. Store and reuse rainwater.
87. Create a wildlife-friendly garden.
88. Volunteer for tree planting drives.
89. Replace turf lawn with native, drought-resistant plants.
90. Create a compost heap in your garden.
91. Invest in energy companies committed to renewable sources.
92. Avoid products containing palm oil.
93. Support local and seasonal agriculture.
94. Minimize the use of paper products.
95. Write to your elected officials about climate change concerns.
96. Reuse old jars and containers.
97. Choose renewable energy sources for home.
98. Adopt a minimalist lifestyle.
99. Use a mug at work instead of disposable cups.
100. Switch your energy to a green tariff.
101. Keep your tires inflated to the correct pressure.
102. Join a car-sharing club.
103. Switch to e-billing.
104. Use a bicycle for short journeys.
105. Purchase second-hand furniture.
106. Support reforestation efforts.
107. Reduce water usage in gardening.
108. Donate to charities focused on the environment.
109. Eat more organic and locally grown food.
110. Reduce frequency of online shopping.
111. Support companies using sustainable packaging.
112. Wash clothes with cold water.
113. Use a reel lawn mower.
114. Make homemade meals instead of ordering takeout.
115. Use reusable sandwich bags.
116. Trade-in old devices or appliances.
117. Use natural pest repellents.
118. Plant a tree on special occasions.
119. Support forest conservation projects.
120. Purchase digital books instead of physical ones.
121. Eat more legumes and less meat.
122. Plant native species in your garden.
123. Choose sustainably sourced seafood.
124. Avoid disposable cutlery and plates.
125. Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones.
126. Build or renovate homes with energy efficient materials.
127. Avoid products with microbeads.
128. Participate in local clean-up initiatives.
129. Buy sustainable clothing brands.
130. Choose fair trade items.
131. Encourage others to recycle.
132. Enroll in paperless billing.
133. Turn off lights when not in use.
134. Use a slow cooker to save energy.
135. Support policies on renewable energy.
136. Consider a 'staycation' rather than flying abroad.
137. Make use of your local library.
138. Recycle old clothes - don't throw them away.
139. Use a pressure cooker to save energy.
140. Reuse wrapping paper and gift bags.
141. Adopt energy efficiency policies in businesses and schools.
142. Invest in a high-efficiency furnace.
143. Encourage sustainable practices in your community.
144. Use a rake instead of a leaf blower.
145. Finance renewable energy projects.
146. Limit consumption during peak energy periods.
147. Educate others about sustainable practices.
148. Buy sustainably-sourced wood products.
149. Use high-efficiency showerheads.
150. Encourage your school or workplace to recycle.
151. Promote sustainable agricultural practices.
152. Use a solar cooker.
153. Create a rooftop garden.
154. Donate unwanted items to charity.
155. Install blinds to regulate indoor temperature.
156. Use an energy-saving power strip.
157. Promote the use of electric vehicles.
158. Support restrictions on deforestation.
159. Participate in citizen science projects on climate.
160. Purchase clothing made from organic or recycled materials.
161. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway.
162. Use a programmable thermostat.
163. Insulate your home to save energy.
164. Buy products with sustainable certification labels.
165. Repair rather than replace broken items.
166. Limit use of clothes dryer.
167. Share electric and household appliances.
168. Choose a short shower over a bath.
169. Switch off standby appliances.
170. Ban single-use plastics at events.
171. Cook in bulk to save energy.
172. Take your own container for takeouts.
173. Use green hosting for your website.
174. Limit use of air travel.
175. Spread awareness about the danger of climate crisis.
176. Preserve local green spacеs.
177. Support or start a community garden.
178. Create habitats for local wildlife.
179. Choose non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning products.
180. Purchase products made from recycled materials.
181. Encourage workplace procedures to be digital, reducing paper use.
182. Use less artificial light, optimizing daylight.
183. Build with sustainable or recycled materials.
184. Install a home energy storage system.
185. Support local artisans, reducing shipping emissions.
186. Make reusable produce bags.
187. Adopt a zero-waste lifestyle.
188. Make natural homemade beauty products.
189. Attend governmental meetings to push for better carbon policies.
190. Switch to sustainable cat litter.
191. Support ban on plastic shopping bags.
192. Consider tiny living or smaller, efficient living spaces.
193. Support bans on harmful pesticides.
194. Promote sustainable urban planning.
195. Avoid unnecessary energy waste.
196. Use natural fertilizers.
197. Cut down on the use of household chemicals.
198. Use a hand-powered lawnmower.
199. Buy in bulk to reduce packaging waste.
200. Learn about climate change to make informed decisions.

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