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100 Ways to Move from Fossil Fuels to Sustainability

1. Use solar power for homes and businesses.
2. Install wind turbines.
3. Invest in hydroelectric power plants.
4. Use geothermal power in areas where it's accessible.
5. Promote the use of hybrid vehicles.
6. Educate the public about the benefits of renewable energy.
7. Provide incentives to companies that use renewable energy.
8. Encourage public transportation.
9. Promote cycling and walking.
10. Use LED lights instead of traditional light bulbs.
11. Encourage carpooling to lessen fuel consumption.
12. Invest in and develop reliable energy storage systems.
13. Create laws that encourage energy conservation.
14. Develop biofuels.
15. Utilize tidal power where available.
16. Incorporate green building practices in new constructions.
17. Enhance the efficiency of home appliances.
18. Plant more trees to absorb carbon dioxide.
19. Promote minimalism to reduce energy consumed by manufacturing.
20. Promote water preservation to reduce energy use.
21. Encourage vegetarianism - meat production is an energy-intensive process.
22. Invest in research for nuclear fusion.
23. Develop public transportation infrastructure.
24. Use reusable shopping bags to reduce energy in plastic production.
25. Make energy efficiency improvements in industries.
26. Increase investment in renewable energy research.
27. Offer tax incentives for renewable energy projects.
28. Install energy efficient windows.
29. Punish corporations for excessive carbon emissions.
30. Encourage community shared solar.
31. Composting organic waste to reduce methane generation from landfill.
32. Replace traditional heaters with solar water heaters.
33. Establish green roofs on buildings.
34. Use wave energy in coastal areas.
35. Develop smart energy grids.
36. Maximize use of daylight to decrease electric consumption.
37. Create and implement a carbon tax.
38. Encourage energy efficiency ratings for goods and services.
39. Implement proper waste management systems to produce biogas.
40. Encourage pressure cooking which uses less energy.
41. Promote the use of locally sourced food to reduce transport emissions.
42. Educate people to unplug appliances when not in use.
43. Use pebble bed reactors for nuclear energy.
44. Use a clothesline instead of an energy consuming dryer.
45. Harness the energy produced by gym equipment.
46. Utilize algae as a biofuel.
47. Build vertical wind turbines for urban areas.
48. Use energy monitors to track power consumption.
49. Use gray water systems for watering plants.
50. Make a transition to an electric public transportation system.
51. Use insulated concrete forms in new building projects.
52. Develop hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
53. Encourage aerodynamics in vehicle design.
54. Use advanced metering infrastructure in homes.
55. Utilize kinetic energy from dance floors and foot traffic.
56. Encourage heat pumps for home heating.
57. Promote green IT strategy in businesses.
58. Support carbon capture and storage technologies.
59. Utilize traditional architecture for natural cooling and heating.
60. Promote the construction of passive houses.
61. Use smart thermostats.
62. Use rainwater harvesting systems.
63. Develop zero-emissions cities.
64. Generate electricity from waste heat.
65. Encourage companies to adopt a paperless policy.
66. Develop piezoelectric energy generation.
67. Push for floating solar power stations.
68. Encourage nuclear battery technology.
69. Collect methane from livestock.
70. Encourage gardening to reduce grocery transportation energy.
71. Lower thermostat settings.
72. Encourage solid-state cooling technology.
73. Buying goods with less packaging to reduce energy in production.
74. Install solar-powered street lights.
75. Develop aircraft using biofuels.
76. Plant renewable forests for paper and other wood needs.
77. Create laws banning deforestation.
78. Conduct annual energy audits.
79. Use solar ovens for cooking.
80. Use turbochargers in vehicles for increased efficiency.
81. Following the Energy Star program for energy-efficient products.
82. Promote the use of solar calculators.
83. Encourage the use of reusable water bottles.
84. Use electric bikes for short distances.
85. Promote energy recovery from sewage plants.
86. Encourage composting toilets.
87. Use of Lidar technology for wind assessment.
88. Encourage remote working to reduce commute energy.
89. Promote self-sufficient buildings.
90. Use of faecal sludge for biogas.
91. Encourage recycling.
92. Promote repurposing of goods.
93. Encourage thrift shopping to reduce new production.
94. Incentivize rain gardens and bioswales in urban areas.
95. Use kinetic energy from railroads for power.
96. Encourage cloud storage to reduce physical data centers.
97. Develop hydrogen trains.
98. Plant green corridors in urban areas.
99. Encourage companies to provide renewable energy options.
100. Increase social pressure to utilize renewable energy options.