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Things We Can Do as Dentists

1. Run Green Practices: Dentists globally could ensure they're running environmentally friendly practices. This applies both to their dentistry work and their office operations.

2. Reduce Energy Consumption: Dentists could implement energy-saving practices in their clinics. Replacing conventional bulbs with energy-efficient ones, using energy-saving appliances, and installing solar panels where applicable.

3. Use Environmentally-friendly Products: Using bio-degradable or recyclable products where possible, rather than single-use plastics.

4. Green Suppliers: Supporting eco-friendly suppliers by buying dental supplies that are sustainably made or using renewable energy during their production.

5. Reduce Waste: Implementing efficient waste management systems. This includes reducing, reusing and recycling waste wherever possible.

6. Water Conservation: Implementing water-saving techniques in the clinic, such as using high efficiency dental water units.

7. Educate Patients: Providing information to patients about the environmental impacts of dental practices and what they can do to help.

8. Tree Planting: Organizing tree planting events locally and internationally to offset carbon emissions.

9. Advocacy: Using influence and professional platforms to advocate for greener practices in dentistry and healthcare.

10. Research into Climate-friendly Dentistry: Encouraging research into more sustainable materials and practices in dentistry.

11. Transportation: Encouraging patients and staff to use public transport, cycle or walk to the clinic to reduce carbon footprints.

12. Green Building: Building or remodeling clinics in an environmentally sustainable manner.

13. Tele-Dentistry: Making use of tele-dentistry to reduce emissions from transportation where physical meeting is not necessary.

14. Carbon Offsetting: Investing in carbon offset programs for any unavoidable carbon emissions.

15. Conferences: Organizing and participating in international conferences to discuss and implement climate change actions in dentistry.

16. Partnerships: Creating partnerships with governments and NGOs to create stricter environmental protocols in dentistry.

17. Green Dentistry Certification: Advocating for an internationally recognized certification system for eco-friendly dental practices.

18. Green Innovation: Investing in and promoting new technologies and innovations that make dentistry more environmentally friendly.

19. Lobbying: Petitioning local, national, and international governments to pass regulations that promote sustainability in the dental industry.

20. Fundraising: Organizing fundraisers for environmental charities or initiatives.

21. Dental School Curricula: Fighting for the inclusion of sustainability and climate issues in dental school curricula.

22. Paperless Practices: Implementing digital systems to reduce paper waste.

23. Sustainable Procurement: Ensuring all procurement practices align with international environmental standards and practices.

24. Awareness Campaigns: Running public awareness campaigns about the role of dentistry in combatting climate change.

25. Employee Training: Regular environment-focused training and workshops for all staff members.

26. Green Cleaning: Using eco-friendly cleaning products and methods.

27. Donations: Donating to climate-focused organizations or projects.

28. Collaborative Research: Collaborating with other industries and professions on climate change research.

29. Peer Influence: Encouraging other peers in dentistry worldwide to introduce environmental policies in their practices.

30. Sustainable Office Supplies: Purchasing recycled or sustainable office supplies to reduce carbon footprint.

31. Environmentally-friendly Disposables: Using environmentally-friendly disposables in clinics when necessary.

32. Recycle Amalgam: Implement and promote the recycling of amalgam to reduce mercury emissions.

33. Eco-Friendly Packaging: Promoting and using dental care products with minimal and eco-friendly packaging.

34. Digital X-Rays: Using digital X-Rays which produce less radiation and don't need chemicals for processing.

35. Composting: Promoting composting for office food waste.

36. Non-toxic Sterilization: Seeking non-toxic methods of sterilization to replace harsh chemicals.

37. Use Local Anesthesia: Using local anesthesia to reduce air pollution from nitrous oxide gas.

38. Public Transport for Staff: Implementing a policy where possible for staff to take public transportation, bike or walk to work.

39. Sustainable Event Hosting: When hosting events or conferences, ensure they are sustainable, from catering to waste management and venue choices.

40. Community Engagement: Engage with the local community to share and promote sustainable practices.

41. Dentists for Climate Clinic: Create a model practice that operates under strictly sustainable methods to set an example for others.

42. Second Hand Furniture: Use second-hand furniture in offices to reduce carbon footprint.

43. Eco-conscious Investments: Make investments with companies that are committed to reducing their carbon footprint.

44. Eco-friendly Landscaping: If applicable, opt for eco-friendly landscaping around your clinic to promote local biodiversity.

45. Natural Light: Design clinics to take advantage of natural light to cut down on electricity use.

46. Renewable Energy: A more ambitious step would be to power clinics with renewable energy sources like solar or wind.

47. Active Transport: Advocating for active transport by providing bike racks and other facilities for patients and staff.

48. Legislation: Advocacy for stricter environmental policies to be enforced in the dental industry.

49. Mercury-Free Dentistry: Campaign for mercury-free dentistry globally.

50. Geothermal Energy: Explore the feasibility of geothermal energy in powering dental offices.

51. Remote Conferences: Advocate for remote conferences to reduce carbon footprint of traveling.

52. Electronic Bills & Invoices: Send electronic bills and receipts to cut down on paper.

53. Transcribe not Print: If notes have to be taken, type them out and store digitally.

54. Motion-Sensor Lights: Install motion-sensor lights to conserve energy.

55. Patient Reminders: Remind patients to turn off their cars if they are idling in the parking lot.

56. Coffee & Tea: Only provide organic, fair trade coffee and tea in the clinic.

57. Feature Green Dentistry: Showcase eco-friendly dental practices on your business's website and social media.

58. Green Rewards Program: Implement a rewards program for patients who utilize sustainable practices (e.g., bringing a reusable mug).

59. Sponsor Bike Shares: Sponsor bike shares in cities where you have a presence.

60. Share Practices: Share sustainable practices with other international dental associations.

61. Climate Neutral Certified: Working to become a Climate Neutral Certified business.

62. Bioplastics: Research and advocate for the usage of bioplastics in dentistry.

63. Energy Usage Display: Display your energy consumption publicly as a way to hold your clinic accountable.

64. Lobby Dental Schools: Lobby dental schools to teach the need for sustainability in their syllabus.

65. Fluorescent Bulbs: Use long-lasting fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent ones.

66. Unplug Chargers: Unplug chargers when not in use.

67. Eco-Referrals: For referrals, only refer patients to other sustainable dentists.

68. Volunteer: Make a commitment to volunteer a certain amount of hours to environmental causes.

69. Use a Rain Barrel: Utilize a rain barrel to water plants.

70. Mulch: Mulch plant beds to conserve water.

71. Environment Rally: Participate and encourage participation in an environment rally.

72. Alignment with SDGs: Align your business operations with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

73. No Single-Use Plastics: Eliminate single use plastics in your office.

74. Carbon Metrics: Track the amount of carbon your office emits and finds ways to reduce it yearly.

75. Reuse Surplus Supplies: Donate or find ways to reuse surplus supplies.

76. Digitize Records: Keep digital patient records to cut down on paper use.

77. Donate E-Waste: Properly recycle or donate E-Waste.

78. Climate-Focused Internships: Offer internships or fellowships focused on improving the sustainability of your dental practices.

79. Cloth Towels: Use cloth towels, or other reusable alternatives to paper towels.

80. Quality Not Quantity: Focus on long-lasting, quality equipment that may be more expensive but will not need to be frequently replaced.

81. Eco-friendly Break Room: Only stock your break room with recyclable or biodegradable plates, cups, and utensils.

82. Reusable Patient Bibs: Switch to reusable cloth patient bibs.

83. Patient Transports: If feasible, provide patient transport using electric vehicles.

84. Canned Air: Do not use canned air as it's harmful to the environment.

85. Post-consumer Paper Products: If you have to use paper, use post-consumer paper products.

86. Energy Audits: Regularly conduct energy audits to identify areas where energy can be saved.

87. Encourage Feedback: Encourage feedback from staff and patients about how to become more eco-friendly.

88. Air Drying: Air dry instruments and other items whenever possible.

89. Design for Nature: Design clinics to fit in with the natural landscape rather than against it.

90. Water Dispenser: Install a water dispenser in the office to reduce plastic water bottle use.

91. Greener Appointments: Encourage patients to bundle their treatments into fewer appointments to save on transport emissions.

92. Sustainable Uniforms: Purchase uniforms made from sustainable materials.

93. Biocompatible Materials: Use biocompatible materials for dental procedures.

94. Email Marketing: Use email marketing instead of paper marketing.

95. Clean Energy Fund: Start a fund for clean energy projects in dentistry.

96. Plant a Garden: If space permits, plant a garden to offset some carbon emissions.

97. Composting Toilet: If possible, install a composting toilet in the office.

98. Motion-Activated Heating: Install motion-activated heating to save energy.

99. Potted Plants: Keep indoor plants to improve air quality and help absorb CO2.

100. Ongoing Training: Provide ongoing training for employees on sustainability and best green practices in the dental field.